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Mason Daring
Dec 18, 2014
Weary Pilgrim – What to Watch, Part I
As I am fond of observing, Hollywood likes to hold most of their quality films ’til what is known as Academy season, on the theory that...
Mason Daring
Dec 17, 2014
Weary Pilgrim - What to Watch at the Movies, Part 1
As I am fond of observing, Hollywood likes to hold most of their quality films till what is known as academy season, on the theory that...
Mason Daring
Oct 8, 2014
Weary Pilgrim - After Long Absence
First of all, what say we all agree on one thing: it was a spectacular summer. Granted, it followed the absolute worst-without-exception...
Mason Daring
May 6, 2014
Weary Pilgrim - Indian Winter
I keep putting my turtlenecks into a storage closet for the summer, only to trudge back in there and haul one out every week or two. Why...
Mason Daring
Mar 5, 2014
Weary Pilgrim - March
I don’t know about you, but I find March frustrating. The third month of the year, March is to the year as 5AM is to the day - it’s dark,...
Mason Daring
Jan 23, 2014
Weary Pilgrim – The Aztek Syndrome
In late 2000, Pontiac motors turned the automotive world on its ear when it released the Pontiac Aztek, a crossover/SUV that has since...
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